John Brunner Lodge hosts Visitor from Brazil

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Jansenn Silvera Rocha

The John Brunner Lodge No. 2799 is part of the Province of Cheshire, United Grand Lodge of England.  Brethren were pleased to receive Bro Jansenn Silveira Rocha of the Lodge 20 Abril Independent, Number 40 in the Grand Lodge of the State of Minas Gerais at our meeting held at Middlewich Masonic Hall on Wednesday 17 March 2019.

The main ceremony was a second degree or passing therefore Bro Rocha was required to leave the lodge room for that part of the ceremony.  Nevertheless he enjoyed his evening with us and our members were please to meet him and hear something about Belo Horizonte and 20 Abril Independent Lodge in particular.

Bro Jansenn with Bro Paul Neal